Asian's Don't Need Advocacy or Politicians To Succeed

Jessie Jackson has been waging his latest social and economic justice campaign against Silicon valley for it's lack of diversity. According to Jackson, Silicon Valley has too few blacks, Latino's and woman. He has pressured some of the larger tech companies turn over their employment records and commit millions of dollars to minority recruitment.

 At Google, and Twitter, the workforce is approximately 90 percent white and Asian, with about 5 percent African-American and Hispanic. Males make up about 70% of all hires. EBAY which performs the best has 12 percent African-American and Hispanic and 58 percent male. Forbes magazine's annual Midas Touch ranking of the tech's 100 top investors which was just released is worth noting. 25% of the list is comprised of individuals of east Asian or South Asian decent. The list is filled with non-European names like Ji, Chaddha, Liu and Agrawal. East Asians include Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and the success of these groups in the STEM fields is well documented. STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) are fields of study that until recent years blacks unfortunately have not been steered towards. Blacks who obtain college degrees tend to seek them in the liberal arts and business fields rather than computer science or mathematics. The few numbers of blacks and latino's for that matter in Silicon valley reflects this.

What's more noteworthy is the fact that Asian American's have achieved this without advocacy from politicians, civil rights activist or government set asides. Individuals from India for instance make up 10% of the workforces of Microsoft and Oracle. This is not to suggest people of Asian decent are genetically superior to blacks. However they are culturally superior on average to blacks and whites. It's evidenced by their average higher levels of income and education and by their under-representation in the criminal justice system.

How is it that without enough politicians nationally to fill up a walk-in closet, they have been able to achieve? It might have something to do with factors such as parenting. Asian parents are notorious for being hawks on educational achievement. Asian children watch far less television than their non Asian counterparts. Asian's out of wedlock birth rates are lower than Blacks, Whites and Hispanics. It might be worth mentioning that black African immigrant groups produce inspiring success stories of their own. The MBA classes of Harvard and Yale are filled with first generation African immigrants, primarily from Nigeria and Ghana. Out of the handful of students (6) that were accepted to all Ivy league schools, 4 of them are children of African immigrants.

Blacks elites will continue to drum up dis-informative statistics without context to advance their agenda. This incontrovertible evidence that minorities can and do achieve without imposing racial quotas on corporations forces the left to face it's false narrative that racism and oppression are the culprits that hinder black achievement.


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