The Myth Of The United Nations

One of John Kerry's positions in his 2004 Presidential campaign was the notion any military action by the United States should pass a "global test". His position is pretty consistent with that of mainstream the left which believes that the United Nations should be consulted before the united states conducts a preemptive strike on any nation it deems a threat. The United Nations when established in 1945 after WW2 was well intended. It's aim was to prevent another such conflict which claimed an estimated 17 million lives. In spite of it's noble intentions, the UN has failed miserably to stop genocide on earth over the past 5 decades. The most notorious examples are Rwanda, Cambodia and Burundi to name just a few.

Currently the UN and the world stands by while Boko Haram and Islamic state rampage through Africa and the middle east respectively, murdering, beheading and leaving decimated towns and villages in their wake. The truth is the United Nations has been a toothless tiger, it's the Unites States military that has done more to stop genocide in the world than any other nation. America's militaryn under bill Clinton intervened twice in Haiti to prevent bloodshed. Once during the overthrow of jean Bertrand Aristead. It's was also America's bombing campaign that stopped Slobodan Milosevic from slaughting Bosnian muslims during the civil war in 1990's. South Korea, one of the most stable economies in the world, owes its very existance to the United States and its 40, 000 troops stationed in the Demilitarized zone on its border with the tyranical regime North Korea. Many of our own citizens as well as some politicians resent America's role as the "world policeman". However the alternative as we see now is far worse. Russia under strongman Vladimir Putin has returned to its cold war era aggression against their neighbor Ukraine. China is projecting power and intimidating it's neighbors in the South China Sea. And for all it's military might, China has zero interest in using any of it to save the lives of others.

All of the American anti-Islam propaganda, there isn't a country that has liberated more Muslims than the the United States.  If we decided to turn into Sweden and pull back from our position in the world, the planet would descend into such a chaotic state that would make today's events seem like a playground brawl. Despite it's seductive hold over the left, when it comes to fighting evil in the world, there isn't such a thing as the United Nations, only the United States.


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