Virginia Murderer's Mindset Afflicts Many Black Americans

As the nation tries to process the shocking and gruesome murders of reporter Alison Parker and Adam Ward on live television by former reporter Vester Flanagan, revelations about his life and state of mind portray a very disturbed individual. A man who lived his life as that of a perpetual victim of racism. Victimization which happens to be a common link to virtually all incidents of mass murder. Not only does Flanagan bear a physical resemblance to mass murder and former LA police officer Christopher Dorner. The 25 page  manifesto which he faxed to CNN shared very similar themes of racism and discrimination-none of which were ever proven. Flanagan's race obsession and victim complex left a tattered career path in its wake. Unfortunately this self defeating mindset is far too prevailing in a large segment of black America.

"Vester was an unhappy man," WDBJ  general manager, Jeff Marks, said on-air. "We employed him as a reporter and he had some talent in that respect and some experience. He quickly gathered a reputation of someone who was difficult to work with. He was sort of looking out to people to say things he could take offense to. "He then filed an action with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, in which he made all sorts of claims about the members of the staff making racial comments," Marks continued. "None of them could be corroborated by anyone. We think they were fabricated."  That last comments in particular struck a familiar tune with this blogger. Myself spending nearly20 years working in hospitality/customer service and having witnessed blacks pull racism out of every imaginable orifice with absolutely no evidence.

I have had very close friends slandered and maligned as racist for just about any and every perceived slight. Once, while working at a hotel, a 60 something black woman complained that her breakfast sausage was undercooked. A common complaint I would imagine at many eateries. However what was especially egregious about this incident was the women went on to berate my friend and restaurant manager- a young woman whom I would describe as a jewel- bringing her to tears. She alleged that the sausage was undercooked because she was black. A charge made all the more ridiculous since the meals are cooked blindly by the chef, who was also black. The grumpy grandma didn't stop there. She also accused the hotel of "segregating" her family's reunion away from other groups in the hotel because...I think you know the rest. This again was also completely absurd since it is customary for hotels to provide separate hospitality rooms for its group functions. After all that is what guest usually pay for. Would you want to have some guy in his pajamas stagger by while your family was having breakfast and swipe some of your pancakes? I think you get my point.

The nearly two decades of working with the public has taught me the very disturbing truth. There is an entrenched sense of grievance that black America clings to like a child to his or her favorite toy.  As I read more about Flanagan, he personifies much of what is pervasive in black life. In an interview with the Associated Press, WDBJ producer Dan Dennison described Flanagan as a "professional victim" who took offense to almost anything". "He (Flanagan) was victimized by everything and everyone and could never quite grasp the fact that he was the common denominator in all of these really sometimes serious interpersonal conflicts that he had with people," Dennison said. Leftist ideologues spew rhetoric about racial disparities, black employment and incarceration rates without context. I would  argue that these disparities are a symptom of the black mindset and not a result of a racist systemic conspiracy as the left alleges.

As typical of the unbalanced thinking of a victim, Flanagan had no sense of irony. Like millions of black males, he spectacularly validated all the stereotypes that he railed against by murdering two people and seriously injuring a third. Black men in particular scream to the heavens about negative portrayals and perceptions while simultaneously confirming them every single day with alarming frequency. This produces what is commonly known as the proverbial self fulfilling prophecy. Any individual or group that feels as if they cannot achieve due to the malevolence of the white devil is in for a rough life. How could anyone with this destructive worldview be anything but miserable and/or unsuccessful? Ironically, it was white male victim Dylan Roof's slaughter of black church members in Charleston South Carolina that was the catalyst for Flanagan's wicked act. He admitted that he put down a deposit on the gun he would use in the murders two days after the Charleston shootings.

There are millions of Vester Flanagans out there-although not all are homicidal-they are convinced that "the man" is holding them back. These individuals never entertain the possibility that the person in the mirror is responsible for their shortcomings. Untold billions of dollars are raised to find a cure for various forms of cancer. I wish some of that could be spent towards finding a cure for self pity.


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