Search For Leftist Paradise Continues

Black Friday proved to be exactly that for many unsuspecting shoppers on Chicago's magnificent mile. As thousands of black Lives Matter affiliated protesters locked arms and blocked entrances to numerous businesses sending would be shoppers away. These latest protest are in response to the release of a police dashcam video surrounding the shooting of black teen Laquan McDonald by white police officer. The video appears to show 17 year old McDonald, armed with a knife moving away from Police when officer Jason Van Dyke opened fire, shooting McDonald 16 times killing him. The video also shows that 14 of the shots were fired into the teen as he lay on the ground. Even some in law enforcement have condemned the shooting.

Although the shooting took place in October 2014, Mayor Rahm Emanuel's administration sat on the video for an entire year in what looks like nothing more than political expediency. Emanuel was in an election year and like he has famously stated on record- "never let a good crisis go to waste". Immediately after the release of the video two weeks ago, officer Van Dyke was arrested and charged with first degree murder. The protesters however are not satisfied and are calling for Emanuel's ouster. Yet again, a major American city is the epicenter of unrest surrounding a fatal confrontation between a white police officer and a black man. And once again it's a city run by Democrats. Left wing organizations, activist and black elites have an entrenched trust and support for leftist politicians. Democrats have reigned over large and predominantly black constituencies like Chicago for decades with dismal results. Rahm Emanuel, Chicago native, served nearly two years as Obama's chief of staff. To no surprise receiving a rubber stamp endorsement from the President.

From Ferguson to Baltimore to major college campuses, the left is in full rebellion against its own. Thanks to the media and the indoctrination by its elites, they have been told that these same elites are their friends and protectors from the racist and intolerant- this notion is now unraveling. And there isn't a university, elected official, or a police department that is safe from the mobocracy. Is there any place in America where the activist left isn't unhappy with? Apparently not, even when they are running it. Their liberal university cocoons still seem to be infested with enough hostilities which require "safe spaces" for them to escape to. The biggest irony of all is that even the left hates the very political systems that they fight so hard to create and maintain.


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