The Damaging Myth Of White Privilege

Anyone who has known me for any length of time can attest to my disdain for the damage that the University does to the minds of America's youth. One example is the White Privilege myth which has been propagated by liberal academics at numerous American universities. A recent Washington Post article by Professor Christine Emba entitled 'This Is What White Privilege Is" has finally forced me to respond. Ms. Emba describes White Privilege as the social advantage that comes from being seen as the norm in the United States, automatically conferred irrespective of wealth, gender or other factors. The benefit of the doubt that one is afforded for having white skin. One such advantage is not being followed or harassed while shopping. If blacks indeed are followed while, it is unfortunately a monster of our own creation.

I was employed as a security officer for several years at a shopping mall in Northeast Ohio. The mall is located in a well to do suburb which is better than 95% white. I witnessed first hand the disturbingly disproportionate amount of theft committed by blacks. I would put the percentage of theft to be 80% black-predominantly female. The stunning lack of self awareness of many black Americans is perplexing. We continuously lament stereotypes while simultaneously reinforcing them with alarming regularity. The high crime and violence which is characteristic of our neighborhoods is incontrovertible. I suggest that any anger held by blacks should be directed at the perpetual lawbreakers who have crafted these perceptions. Democrats and their black intelligentsia allies have convinced the vast majority of blacks that the dismal social metrics they loathe are completely divorced from our irresponsible cultural pathologies. The media is also instrumental in this deception by all but refusing to report the surprising numbers of white men who have been killed by police-some by black policemen. I have documented many of these incidents in an article entitled (The Legend Of The Unarmed White Man).

Many including Ms. Emba point to recent events such as the Oregon standoff to illustrate the white privilege enjoyed by the protesters as opposed to blacks or Muslims. Failing to mention that most of them have been arrested, another was shot and killed by law enforcement.  It is interesting that Whites for all of their perceived eminence seem to enjoy less so called privilege than Asians. Most academic studies highlight disparities in income, wealth, police shootings, traffic stops, and/or incarceration between blacks and whites. Almost never are there any comparative studies between whites and Asian Americans. Doing so would poke holes in their white privilege mantra. Asians out perform whites and other minority groups in just about every measure. If American society is full of racist police departments who seek to harass and lock up minorities, why are they so generous to people of Korean, Indian or Chinese decent who are arrested far less? Could the culture and values of these groups be contributing factors?

Perhaps Ms. Emba would be interested to know that here in my home state of Ohio, the fastest growing population in prisons are white women. Who according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer are being incarcerated in record numbers. A few hundred miles to the south are whites who would also beg to differ with this false notion of white privilege. That would be the impoverished whites of West Virginia and Kentucky, a region better known Appalachia. This area is home to some of the poorest people in America, overwhelmingly white. However you won't hear a whisper about them from Democratic politicians. Among the many reasons why this idea of White Privilege is pernicious is that it devalues the struggles and achievements of those whites whose lives have been devoid of any semblance of privilege. Just as affirmative action has stained blacks with the perception of preference, the white privilege stigma is equally deleterious. I would also ask Ms. Emba if it is wise to assume that any individuals life is made convenient by racial accommodation without knowledge of that persons background? America has the distinction of having by far the wealthiest, most educated and influential blacks on the planet. I certainly would consider living here to be a privilege in itself.

My parents have always made me and my siblings aware of the power that thoughts can bring. Is there racism in various corners of society? No sane person would argue that there isn't. However, to downplay the major role that the increasingly deteriorating black culture and mindset plays in our own malaise is irresponsible.


JOHN M. said…
Very well done Mr K and I encourage others to read your previous blogs to get a true view of the world from a true american.
Thank you so much. I greatly appreciate your visit.

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