How Does King Barack Sound?

As President Obama's 2nd and final term comes to an end, many of his fans are already suffering from separation anxiety. 'We will miss you President Obama' pages are floating around social media sites. His loyalist are already touting his "accomplishments" as evidence of him being one of our greatest Presidents. As the melancholy begins to spread I would ask why does it have to end? We may not necessarily have to say goodbye to the celebrity bashes with Jay Z and Beyonce or the late night appearances on Jimmy Kimmel. There is a way that we can enjoy the Obama's for the next several decades.

I propose we make them King and Queen of America. What title is more befitting of our country's first black President? America has always had unofficial royalty with Elvis, Sinatra, Michael Jackson, Muhammad Ali. Why not make it official with King Barack and his queen Michelle, who is just as elegant as Queens Elizabeth II of England or Noor of Jordan. Barack would certainly transition easily into a role of King. He's charming, handsome and would instantly become the most popular royal figure since Prince Charles.

A Royal palace could constructed outside Atlanta, the epicenter of the black entertainment universe. The residence could be subsidized by the millions of tourist it would attract every year. It would be America's answer to Buckingham Palace in London. One can only imagine the throngs of admirers who would make the pilgrimage in attempts to get a glimpse of the royal couple through the palace gates. Like the UK, we would get to enjoy a potential wedding of the Obama daughters and the birth of their royal grandchild.

Why should we be robbed of a few more decades of enjoyment of the Obamas by term limits? Why should we be denied the opportunity to basque in his essence long enough for our grandchildren to experience what we have been fortunate enough to.

Of course America extricated itself from monarchy two hundred and forty years ago via a war with England. However I'm sure George III and his wife Charlotte were nowhere near as fabulous as the Obama's.


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