America's Present, Not Its Past Is Exceptional

I along with the rest of the world tuned in recently to the 2016 Olympics in Brazil, the opening ceremonies were certainly a site to behold. It featured elaborate visual displays special effects and cultural dancers. One in particular which told the story of Brazil's eclectic but sordid history of slavery. Which is by no means unique to Brazil, nor to any country in the world. Very few nations can claim no history of it. I can distinctly remember learning about the powerful West African empires of Ghana and Mali in high school. If only I were sophisticated enough at the time to ask an obvious question: How did they become empires?

Steeped into the conscience of many Americans is the premise that the United States was "founded on slavery and stolen land from the native Americans". The dark beginnings of American history are only unique to those with only a cursory knowledge of history. If one throws a dart at a map of the world, It will most certainly land on a country that has practiced slavery. Shaming a country for its past slavery past or "stealing" land is like one adult shaming another for wetting themselves when they were toddlers. All adults were once babies in need of potty training. And almost all countries, cultures and civilizations either practiced slavery or were founded on lands once inhabited by others. Until fairly recently, the various societies of the world engaged in what ironically could be called the "conquest ethic". Conquest is defined as the assumption of control of a place or people by use of military force. 

Take the aforementioned Brazil. A country whose Portuguese colonialist have the distinction of importing ten times as many slaves from Africa as America did-some 4 million! Slaves from West Africa were either captured during tribal warfare or kidnapped at random and subsequently sold to European slave traders for profit. These slaves were scattered throughout various western slave colonies controlled by either the French, Portuguese, Dutch, or British. Arab slave traders and African rulers engaged in this universally accepted practice and regularly cooperated with one another. The Arab slave trade was spectacularly brutal and had a devastating effect on the African continent.

Nigeria, the largest country in Africa in terms of population had a very violent history long before the arrival of Europeans. One of warring tribes, territorial conquest and yes, slavery. One of the largest slave trading outpost was located in a part of Nigeria now known as Bonny Island. Slaves that were captured during tribal warfare were sent to these trading post and sold to European slave traders. Famed west African empire Mali maintained control of its vast territory with its 100,000 man army which it utilized to sieze additional territory from its neighbors. Including the Ghana empire who were the prior occupants of some Malian territory. Iconic Zulu warrior King Chaka is legendary for his military prowess. The Zulu built its empire by pushing rival tribes across what is now South Africa. The Ndebele, Soshangane, and the Ngwane were among their victims.

The Kingdom of Dahomey, in present day Benin was a significant factor in the west African slave trade. Kings of Dahomey often dominated their neighbors, capturing as many as 10,000 slaves. A King by the name of Tegbesu raked in an astounding $200,000 a year selling slaves in 1750. Surprisingly it was the African rulers who were most resistant to ending the institution. The British banned slavery in 1807. They vowed to end British involvement in slave trading by 1808 and subsequently established the West African anti-slavery squadron. Their mission was to patrol the coastlines with the purpose of intercepting and detaining slave ships, freeing the slaves on board. These efforts were hugely successful. according to British navy records, between 1807 and 1860, the West African squadron seized approximately 1,600 slave ships and freed 150,000 Africans aboard.

Radical Mexican nationalist-some who are American citizens wave Mexican flags and vow to one day have their lands- what is now Texas and Arizona- returned to them. Lands that were lost during the Mexican-American war. However they should be aware that natives tribes such as the chibcha, olmecs, Aztecs, Maya and the Toltec were there first. They were conquered by the Spanish and should certainly be first in line for any right of return.

The native American is portrayed as either a hapless victim of European domination or deeply spiritual environmentalist who had their land stolen by the evil Europeans. The former is a myth and the latter is only partially true. Indeed there was the atrocious Indian Removal act, otherwise known as the trail of tears. President Andrew Jackson forcibly relocated well over 45,000 natives from five southeastern tribes (Cherokee, Chickasaw, choctaw, Creek and seminole) from their traditional lands to others that were thousands of miles to the west of the Mississippi. By some estimates there were up to 6,000 deaths. Interestingly,  four of the five Tribes collectively owned over 7,000 black slaves according to the 1860 census. Many of these slaves also endured the trek westward.

Mount Rushmore is located in Black Hills South Dakota. This land is claimed by the Sioux Indians who have been involved in litigation with the government for decades. In the unlikely event they reclaim this disputed territory, perhaps they should consider returning the land to the Cheyenne tribe from whom they stole it. Many native American tribes engaged in the conquest ethic. Taking land and other spoils from weaker tribes. Nothing illustrates this more than the infamous Beaver Wars or the French-Iroquois wars. During the 17th century the Iroquois, aided by Dutch weapons engaged in a series of conflicts with the French allied northern Algonquins and Huron tribes for control of the lucrative fur trade. The powerful Iroquois army decimated smaller tribes such the Wenro, Susquhannock, Mannohoic, Erie and Shawnee, seizing their territory and destroying villages. Those who weren't murdered were assimilated into Iroquois ranks.

China also has thousands of bloody years of conquest and Dynastic rule. History prior to world War II is inundated with powerful empires that dominated until they themselves were conquered or collapsed from within. This was standard fare for the vast majority of human history. The concept of property rights was non existent in all established societies throughout the world. Claiming land by simply occupying it during these periods was not an effective way to establish ownership. Land only belonged to those who were powerful enough to hold onto it. The infamous Vikings are trademark examples of the conquest ethic. They famously pillaged their way across the continent of Europe, raided Celtic, Anglo-Saxon and Slavic homesteads for slaves and other booty. Then traded the slaves at huge markets in Europe and the middle east. For a present day prototype of Viking barbarism, look no further than Nigeria's resident marauders Boko Haram. The Islamist terrorist group has a playbook straight out of the 16th century. They rampage through villages, raped women, murdering, and kidnapping young girls and boys in order to make them sex slaves and child soldiers respectively. They currently control a large swath in the northeastern part of the country. Boko Haram along with groups like ISIS and Columbian terrorist group FARC prove that human behavior has changed only slightly over the past several centuries since the Vikings.

Americas history of slavery and conquest is hardly an anomaly, however its goodness is. America and Brazil along with many other nations indeed have a history of slavery and conquest in common. However that is where the similarities end. Brazil, England, Portugal nor any of the former slave trading nations can claim a tiny fraction of the social progress as the United States. A half century since the end of Jim Crow, our country unlike any other can boast the wealthiest, most successful and influential descendants of slaves on the planet- including the first Black President of a western Democracy. Despite it's flaws, no other nation has produced more prosperity and achievement for more people or from more places than the Unites States. This is what truly makes America exceptional.


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