Uncovering A Gigantic Royal Scam

The old saying "Too many chiefs and not enough Indians" is by modern standards politically incorrect. However there is a new phenomena that is could take its place. There seems to be too many Kings and Queens and not enough subjects. Peruse Facebook and one will see untold references to "Black Kings" and "Black Queens" which is intended to foster self esteem in the black community. What is wrong with this one may ask? It is built on a ridiculous premise, historical ignorance and grotesque revisionism. For starters, every culture at one time or another has been ruled by monarchs. So by this logic every Anglo British citizen is a King or a Queen since they still have a symbolic monarchy today. Kings and Queens are mere titles-not character traits. Monarchs were selected by either bloodline or bloody conquest. Some of the most dastardly rulers in history were Kings. King John, Herod, Leopold, Caligula are just a few-African rulers were hardly an exception. In order for there to be Kings and Queens, there has to be subjects. In simple terms, there are the rulers and the ruled. Living under the rule of monarchs does not by association make one a monarch. It is doubtful that the citizens of Saudi Arabia address one another as "King" because they are ruled by one. Does one believe the citizens of Jordan who are ruled by King Abdullah II and his wife Rania refer to each other as "King" or "Queen"? If one were to search their family history, the truth wouldn't be nearly as glamorous. One would find beggars, black smiths, traders, thieves, cobblers, slaves, farmers and warriors among other things. And if one were to discover a King that hardly makes the descendent one by default.
Addressing someone as a King or Queen isn't necessarily a term of endearment. There is a delusional belief that the Kings of Africa were benevolent and revered rulers who were great caretakers of their subjects-the truth is far more sobering. African Kings like Tegbesu of Dahomey raked in an astounding $200,000 a year selling slaves in 1750 ironically he had to be compensated financially by the British to end the practice. In the name of equality, let's not leave out the ladies. Queen Njinga, a 17th century ruler of Mbundu was famous for fighting against the Portuguese. She also captured slaves from internal wars and sold them to the Portuguese. Njinga later converted to Christianity and then subsequently sold traditional African leaders into slavery claiming that they "violated her Christian Precepts. Kings and Queens were not often benevolent and by decree were not morally superior than the people they ruled. Frederick Douglass was not particularly a fan of the African Kings nor of returning to their rule. "The savage chiefs of the western coasts of Africa, who for ages have been accustomed to selling their captives into bondage and pocketing the ready cash for them, will not more readily accept our moral and economical ideas than the slave traders of Maryland and Virginia,”... “We are, therefore, less inclined to go to Africa to work against the slave trade than to stay here to work against it.”
King Mswati III
 King Mswati of tiny southern African nation of Swaziland is one of the more colorful and controversial rulers in Africa currently. In addition he may be one of the most egregious examples of absolute power and corruption of monarchs. His regime has come under scrutiny for numerous alleged human rights violations. He has been accused of using torture and excessive force, as well as discrimination against political opponents, extrajudicial killings, unlawful arrests and detentions, as well as illegal searches and seizures. He once allegedly kidnapped a young girl from her school with intentions of marrying her. Mswati has instituted constraints on freedom of speech, assembly, association, and press. Members of the Gay community, labor leaders, and activists against child labor have also been in the crosshairs of his highness. The average Swazi lives on $1.25 a day, however Mswati managers to squeak by on a household budget of $60 million; no doubt to care for his 35 wives! The King made international headlines when he requested $15 million to redecorate his palace. And for the construction for new ones for 11 of his wives. Also Mswati sparked ire for his purchase of a $500,000 Maybach 62 automobile. According to the Forbes 2009 list of the World's 15 Richest Royals, King Mswati is worth a reported $200 million. It is certainly good to be the King. Sorry to reign on the royal fantasies of so many. However if someone refers to you as a King or Queen, please ask them which one?


Nate said…
Who rules the Sun? What people, Monarch or Tribe rule the Planets? Name it and I can still come at a different angle on this post. As for now This post is stimulating a positive thought to fizzle into a negative downstream. So what we call ourselves in social or non social avenues kings or queens!!. It has to start somewhere cause in most communities I still see both non-social and social avenues “niggas”. Not only on popular terms but also, they claim to be running shit. And they got the money to prove it. They also claim to have more money than all these so called queens and kings. And really they do have a lotta paper! The are promoted by big companies these “running shit niggas.” And the social owners or media gurus post about it through us as the story tellers as the authors of our own belief system. Our stars have just been rearranged. We don’t even have (speak) our own language. We speak theirs (English) Niggas or Queens and Kings are driven by the very thing they hate. I dare anyone of you Nigga’s to challenge that. You see what we have to Renee or Remember is that we are only where we are at by our belief not theirs. And once we groove into that system we are unstoppable.
The unstoppable king amongst queens and Niqqa’s.
But you can call me Stop.

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