There Is Nothing "Right" About The Far Right

The media hype surrounding Neo Nazi's and white nationalist continues months after Charlottesville. This past week Florida Governor Rick Scott has declared a state of emergency ahead of a speech by so called "alt right" and white nationalist spokesperson Richard Spencer at the University of Florida. We've become accustomed to Florida declaring states of emergency ahead of a hurricane or tropical storm. Now our country is at such a low point that a state of emergency is necessary for a speech no less. I have long taken issue with associating these vile individuals with the right when they have absolutely nothing in common with conservatives or Republicans.

According to Spencer, the "Alt Right" is a movement centered around white identity politics. There is nothing in the white nationalist agenda that promotes smaller government, free markets, the constitution, liberty, fiscal responsibility or low taxes. There is a false narrative which has persisted that attempts to affiliate racist and or fascist elements with the right when in fact they have more in common with the left. The Nazi party of Adolph Hitler infamy were big government socialist-a leftist ideology. The word Nazi literally translated means "national socialist". The Alt right and other  groups have galvanized their followers with one issue primarily for the past few decades: immigration. Many on the right and some on the left equally share concerns regarding illegal immigration. However these groups are opposed to any immigration from non-Euro centric countries. These Hitler fan boys have traditionally been as one would expect anti-Semitic and intoxicated with Jewish banker conspiracies. So it is curious that anyone would assume these characters would be thrilled that President Trump would surround himself with wealthy Jewish financiers like Wilbur Ross and son-in-law Jared Kushner. The premise of this over hyped movement is that the white European are true Americans. He is culturally superior to all non-whites and has natural rights to America. Further more the white man is losing his rights and country to illegal immigrants and other "mud races". And don't forget those Jewish bankers who seek to replace them.

 The Republican party has a history that has consistently been antithetical to the white supremacist agenda. The Republican party's very founding was in opposition to slavery. The Klu Klux Klan act in 1871 authorized the President Ulysses Grant to crack down on the Klan using military force. The overwhelming majority of landmark appointments of Blacks have been made by Republicans. There is a decades long history of racial arsonist on the left who invoke the fears of the Klan or Nazis whenever any Republican occupies the White house. Coretta Scott King did just that During Ronald Reagan's campaign. "I am scared that if Ronald Reagan gets into office, we are going to see more of the Ku Klux Klan and a resurgence of the Nazi Party,” Coretta Scott King said in November, 1980. Of course Reagan would go on to win the election and serve two terms and we did not see a Klan resurgence. He not only rejected its endorsement-during both his Presidential campaigns-he would appoint Colin Powell as the first African American National Security advisor. Reagan also made several dozen other appointments of blacks and Hispanics. The appointment of William Bradford Reynolds III as the Reagan administration’s head of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department as well as the appointment of Clarence Pendleton, Jr. as the head of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

Under close scrutiny the Neo Nazi's, the Klan and their "anti fascist rivals are two sides of the same coin. Neither group represents a tiny semblance of American values. Identity politics, violence and socialism are at the core of both groups beliefs and tactics. ANTIFA has disrupted numerous speeches on college campuses with violent clashes. The Neo Nazis seek to bring a failed, racist, fascist, big government agenda to the very country that helped defeat it three quarters of a century ago. Place this ideology in the category where it really belongs. Finished.


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