Could This Be Trump's Biggest Deal Yet?

President Donald Trump returned home from his highly anticipated summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un in Singapore. Such a meeting seemed like fantasy just a few short months ago. Kim was testing nuclear weapons by firing them over the airspace of US allies Guam and Japan. President Trump responded with his now legendary "Fire and Fury" threats of nuclear destruction and boast of having a "bigger button" than Kim's. This sent a uneasiness throughout not only the Korean peninsula but global financial markets which feared a potential nuclear conflict. However such fears soon dissipated due to back channel diplomatic efforts by China and South Korea along with stifling economic UN sanctions which forced Kim to the table. The summit culminated with the signing of a vague non binding joint statement which included security guarantees and a commitment to end US-South Korea joint military exercises. The joint statement is intended to pave the way towards complete nuclear disarmament of North Korea. The summit as expected was met with skepticism and complaints from primarily the mainstream media pertaining to the lack of specifics and assurances the US received that Kim would denuclearize. President Trump's political unorthodoxy has certainly shaken up the status quo for better or for worse. However in this instance he has yielded results that have eluded US administrations for over two decades. Trump's rhetoric has signaled to the North Koreans that he is himself unpredictable. His pressure on the Chinese and crippling sanctions have choked off Kim's sources of hard currency-so much so that obtaining his favorite perks such as imported seafood and American liquor have been affected.

The North Koreans have made promises to abandon their nuclear program before. Only to renege and rehash tensions once again. The difference this time could be the youthful and isolated millennial Kim isn't as ideologically rigid as his father and grandfather- Kim Jung Il and Kim Il Sung who combined have ruled North Korea since 1945. The younger Kim has very few options but to pursue denuclearization to save his crumbling economy and salvage Chinese support. If the Trump administration can sustain the political and economic pressure and verify North Korea's compliance to disarmament this could very well be President Trump's best example yet of  'The Art of the Deal'.


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