Bush Hatred: Cracking the Code

My favorite talk show host Dennis Prager has repeatedly expressed his perplexity at the hatred of George W. Bush by the left. This hatred- playfully known as Bush Derangement Syndrome or BDS- has become a downright epidemic on the left. Bush is blamed for everything from 911 to the Cubs not winning a World Series. After a long period of observing "leftist thought", I have outlined a few key points that I feel will help to explain this phenomenon. Let's begin by getting the easy ones out of the way.

1. Republican, Christian, Conservative: No three attributes invoke more hatred from the left because they trample on every single one of their deeply held positions primarily secularism, and socialism. After all, who is he to think that faith, family and liberty are superior to race and class?

2. The 2000 election: This was the first of many Bush misfortunes. He ended 8 years of liberal- palooza known as the Clinton years. The Clinton era gave a reprieve to the left after a combined 12 years of Reagan-Bush. They were very much looking forward to a second act with Al Gore-all of their high expectations were shattered by W in a hotly contested election which to this day liberals claim was stolen.

3. The War in Iraq: This is obviously a key component of BDS. The left is convinced that The president went into Iraq for oil and to help Dick Cheney buy that Gulfstream he always wanted. You add this to the chants of, "Bush lied, people died" and the hatred reached a fever pitch.

4. Fahrenheit 911: This Michael Moore "documentary" was released in 2004 just before the Bush-Kerry election. In my opinion, its the single most damaging piece of anti-Bush propaganda. This hatchet job re enforced every single one of the Anti-Bush themes: He stole the election of 2000, and that we were duped into war for Halliburton and war profiteers like the Carlyle group amongst other charges.

5. The 2004 election: In spite of four years of assaults from the left which includes the mainstream media, Hollywood, and Moveon.org which was financed in part by left wing billionaire George Soros, Bush won re-election by defeating Sen. John Kerry -once again in a close race. Just like the 2004 race there were charges of election fraud,which is typical when the left loses. Talk about pouring salt on a wound-this was acid! There was such outrage on the left that the Canadian consulate reported a surge in citizenship inquiries on its website.

6. The Mainstream Media: there has been a continuation of the onslaught and anti Bush propaganda led by the New York Times. There were manufactured scandals like ,Valerie Plame, domestic spying, charges of torture at Guantanamo Bay, Hurricane Katrina coverage and constant cries from the media of "the world hates us". NBC, ABC, CBS and the print media have played major roles in fomenting myths and over the top charges of the administration's secrecy and constitutional transgressions.

7. The Economic Crisis: The current economic turmoil which has its roots in the great depression has been layed squarely at the feet of George Bush, largely by Obama, Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats for political purposes. The evidence shows that Bush's so called "failed economic policies" are nothing more than smears that Barack and his ilk have sold to it's uninformed base.

The sad truth is George W. Bush was doomed from Election day 2000. He was the winner of a close race and labeled an election thief. Less than a year later- nine months into his presidency -there was the 911 attacks which the conspiracy kooks alledge was an inside job. In 2005 there was Hurricane Katrina and now we have a financial crisis-all which will be forever linked to him. This administration has made mistakes just like all others, he failed to practice true conservative principles and reign in government spending. However the vast majority of the accusations leveled at President Bush have been gross distortions of the truth. I am certain that in the end history will judge him correctly as a far better man and President.


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