Welcome to Arma-gay-don

In the nearly three weeks since proposition 8 passed, the terrorist wing of California's gay community has expressed their displeasure by declaring all out war on any and everyone they feel is full of hate. Proposition 8 is an amendment to the state's constitution which defines marriage between a man and a woman. The passage of this bill has sent gay protesters into the streets blocking traffic and some targeting churches. Over 1,000 protesters gathered in front of an LA Mormon church.-which supported proposition 8. 10,000 protesters gathered peacefully outside of Manhattans Mormon church. Unfortunately, not all of the protest are peaceful or even respectful.

The radical strain of the gay mafia has taken their disapproval of prop 8 to a very dangerous level. Video captured several gay activist ambushing a Church service in San Francisco. After interrupting the proceedings with chants of 'its OK to be gay", two of them engaged in a kiss before throwing hundreds on leaflets into the air then fleeing the scene like mischievous schoolchildren. There have been reports of donors to the prop 8 cause receiving menacing telephone calls on their jobs. The arts director of the California Musial Theater Scott Eckern, resigned after his $10,000 donation in support of prop 8 was made public. Ten LDS church buildings in the Sacramento region, and seven houses of worship in Utah, were vandalized in the ten days following the November 4 election. Envelopes containing white powder were mailed to two LDS temples and a Catholic fraternity. The FBI says there is no evidence linking this incident to proposition 8 protesters. Oh, I'm sure its just a coincidence.

To add idiocy to insult, Rosie O'Donnel and Roseanne both weighed in( I promise you that was not a pun) on the issue-both calling blacks- who voted overwhelmingly in support of the proposition- bigoted and hateful. These incidents illustrate why those of us on the right have an intense fear of our country turning left. This recent uprising will be the tip of the proverbial iceberg. If the left takes over, we may as well rename ourselves the FSA-the Fascist States of America with our nations Capitol moved to San Francisco. The left has all but trademarked the word tolerance while labeling the right hateful, bigoted, racist, and homophobic simply for disagreeing with them. This is but one of hundreds of examples of how those who think of themselves as tolerant, only tolerate those they agree with.


MoAfrika said…
Just because one has been wronged, it does not mean that one can do no wrong in retaliating. Democratic process allows for the change of legislation and I am sure there are other democratic process that will allow for a change of the change. The issue of rights is often separate from the issue of legislation. I would rather the gay community spent their time researching the law and coming up with creative ways of according unto themselves the same rights marriage accords to straight couples. Or isn't that what this war is all about? Militancy is so 1980 . . .

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