
Showing posts from 2012

Islam vs The World

As usual, the world seems to be mired in armed conflict. There is the civil wars in Nigeria, Syria and The Congo, the war in Afghanistan, and the never ending powder keg that is Israel and Palestine. There are less reported conflicts in Mali and the horn of Africa involving Somalia and Kenya. The Philippines have been mired in a decades old old civil war with the Islamic group Abu Sayyef. Whether the world community wants to acknowledge it or not, Islam is at war with it.  The common denominator in 90% of the worlds conflicts? Islam. Muslims are waging Jihad (holy war) against Hindus in Kashmir, Christians in Egypt and Nigeria and of course Jews in Gaza. The lands that Christians have been unfortunate enough to share with Muslims have resulted in their subjugation or murder subsequent exodus. It is important to note that none of the worlds non Islamic religions are in conflict with one another. Certainly over the past 100 years, Islamic states have...

The Inconvenient Truth About Unemployment

What if you someone told you that there was a city in America with an unemployment rate of 6.8%, over 14,000 unemployed and yet employers in that city couldn't find qualified workers? That city is Fort Wayne Indiana, located 160 miles Southeast of Chicago. There are many employers nationwide who have similar challenges in finding workers with skills to fit their requirements. Over the past four years there has been plenty of rhetoric about jobs and job creation however putting people to work isn't as simple as it sounds. Employers when allowed to speak candidly will tell speak of the difficulties in finding workers with basic or 'soft' skills such as speaking and writing or basic math. The owner of a small business services company spoke to the wall St. Journal recently about the number of positions that go unfilled due to inability to write a coherent letter, use correct grammar while speaking, understand basic mathematics, interact well with clients a...

2nd Amendment Suicide Pact

The late Italian author and journalist Arrianna Filacci once said the "nations aren't murdered, they commit suicide". It seems that our nation is on course to do just that. If it isn't the divisive race, class politics of the left, its the alarming frequency of mass murders by deranged lone gunmen. In July 20 year James Holmes walked into a movie theater heavily armed killing 12 and wounding 58. Just this week 22 year old Jacob Tyler Roberts shot 3 people in an Oregon mall, killing 2. However the today's carnage will surly go down as one of America's darkest days. A single gunman entered an elementary school in Newtown Connecticut and killed 26, 20 of them were children. Each and every one of these incidents rehashes the old political debates about gun control. As a conservative I have always has difficulty with the loose interpretation on the 2nd amendment. The Constitution states A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,...

MSNBC"S Racial McCarthyism

Any student of history knows that every propaganda machine needs effective smear merchants. No one does it better than MSNBC. Its foot soldiers in their race war against the right spew relentless race baiting insults, baseless accusations and character assassinations of their political opponents daily without repudiation. Leading the way is Hardball host Chris Matthews and his underboss Toure', host of The Cycle. Their common tactic is to take otherwise mundane terms such as Urban, Chicago and re-distribution and re-brand them as "Dog whistle" code words heard only by racist right wingers. These irresponsible assaults have become a staple of the network and fit perfectly into the race obsessed mindset of the left. MSNBC holds the dubious distinction of having some of the least impressive host on cable television. Al Sharpton, Ed Schultz and the aforementioned Toure' represent a "B" list of intellectual thinkers who's only currency is their over the to...

The Birth Of Indoctrination (Part 1)

W eekends were usually laundry day for my mom and being her youngest of five children I was under her watch as usual. I was a typical 8 year old in that I wanted my way and wasn’t too pleased being told I couldn’t have more money for the snack machine so I stormed out of the Laundromat and stumbled across a little white boy about my age. In him I saw a perfect opportunity to take out my frustrations on him. I was carrying a cup of cool-aid and without provocation I threw the drink in the kids face to his surprise. To my horror my mom witnessed my assault and rushed out of building and grabbed me rather forcefully by the arm. “What did he pour on you”? Mom asked. “cool-aid’” the boy answered. My Mom made me apologize and for fear of reprisals I won’t say what my punishment was. It took me years to understand the motive for my rage at that little white kid. It would help to understand that I was born Muslim, to very young parents from the south (dad from Mississippi and Mom was fro...

Obama Worship Reaches Frightening Level

   It was clear during the tidal wave of 2008 other wise known as the Obama campaign that there was indeed a sort of messianic adulation surrounding then Senator Obama. Sadly, it has not dissipated even after four years of a dismal economic record. The worship of president Obama has reached a frightening level. I was horrified when I tuned in to a talk radio show and heard a college professor touting her book "The Gospel According To Apostle Barack". Barbara Thompson, at Florida A&M University compares Barack to Martin Luther King and Jesus for his focus on the poor.  Just this past week, a controversy was stoked at the depiction of Barack in the likeness of Jesus complete with rose thorns simulating crucifixion. This type of idol worship particularly in the black community is a result of four decades of indoctrination by our education system.   Since the death of MLK, blacks have especially been thoroughly cond...

Let Obama Take A Flying Leap

I am certain I"m not the only one who has grown nauseous hearing about the so called Fiscal cliff. The alleged economic meltdown that is supposed to happen if the spending cuts and the  Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire in January. The only way to highlight the clear difference between the right and the clearly destructive policies of the left is to allow them their failed economic experiment. Obama's obsession with raising taxes on the rich will result in slower economic growth and will almost certainly throw the U.S. into a recession. The best examples of the fruits of liberal economic policies are the states of California, Michigan and Illinois. High taxes, union control and bloated benefits packages for public workers are the recipe for a failed state and country.  For several years now the President has blamed his predecessor for his failures.The only logical choice is to allow Obama and the left to destroy the economy, therefore killing his blam...

Union Job Killers Claim Another Victim

One of America's best known and loved snack brands appears to be headed for certain death. Hostess Brands, the 85 year old maker of such beloved snacks as Twinkies, Ding Dongs, and Wonder Bread will shut its doors after failing to reach a deal on pension and benefit cuts with its bakers union. The closing with cost more than 18,000 workers their jobs, the closing of 36 plants and further add to the country's unemployment woes. The trouble began when when the January 2012 bankruptcy allowed Hostess to force the bakers union to accept an 8% wage cut and increased health care cost for employees. A subsequent strike on November 9th resulted in tense negotiations over the new agreement . The teamsters union accepted the deal, the bakers union refused to accept any more wage cuts, giving Hostess no choice but to ask the court for permission to liquidate. The ability of union cult members to remain unaware of their irrelevance is astonishing. Unions have kille...

The President Still Moving To The Left

We now know that President Obama's reality show will survive for another four years. The question is will America. The much publicized fiscal cliff is approaching  and despite the president's conciliatory rhetoric his core dogma remains the same: tax the wealthy. If one were to look over the presidents plan, it's clear that 85% of it seeks to redistribute wealth by punishing upper income earners and corporations. Some of the Presidents favorite targets are still in his sights, energy companies, and Wall Street traders. Since the election, the stock market has fallen off a cliff of its own, its been down over 700 pts. In large part because investors are fearing the coming changes in the capital gains rate coming the first of the year. If the President gets his way and increases tax rates on the upper income, expect the stock market to slide deeper into the abyss. American institutional investors are not the only ones to consider. Billions of dollars from around the worl...

When The Left Attacks

Every year a survey is released with a list the most dangerous professions in America. There is the convenience store worker, the police officer or the coal miner. I have a new entry to the list: any celebrity who happens to expresses an opinion that the left doesn't. These past few months of the election season has had a few powerful examples of the viciousness of the left.  Twitter seems to be the staging ground for their vile attacks. Actress Stacey Dash, former star of  "Clueless" tweeted her support for Mitt Romney and the left went bananas with some of the most hateful personal attacks such as "dumb","stupid' and of course... "clueless". Actress Mellisa Joan Hart suffered the same abuse from so called liberals after tweeting she too would vote Romney/Ryan. One tweeting twit suggested that she "punch yourself in your uterus". Just this week, everyones favorite Pinata Kim Kardashian was the latest target. Given this weeks on-...

Once Again Blacks Display Moral Bankruptcy

Blacks America's shockingly blind loyalty to the Democratic party continues to reap horrible results. Who can forget the stunning re-election of D.C. Mayor Marion Barry after he was caught on an FBI surveillance tape smoking crack with a woman in a seedy motel room back in 1990. In 2006 Louisiana congressman William 'Dollar Bill" Jefferson was indicted on bribery charges after he was observed by the FBI receiving a $100,000 bribe-$10,000 of which was found by the Feds in his freezer! This didn't stop Jefferson from being re-elected in 2007. Now this gem, Brian Banks, a felon was elected to State office in Detroit. Banks was convicted 8 times for credit card and check fraud  between 1998 and 2004. The Democrat defeated his Republican challenger Dan Schulte by a margin of 68-32%. This is from the same voters who are just a couple of years removed from the culture of corruption that was former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's administration. Kilpatrick left of...

Obama Victory Reveals Troubling Trend

President Obama's victory over Mitt Romney is perplexing for those of us on the right for many reasons. The Presidents economic policies have stunted the growth of the worlds most vibrant economy. His class war 'soak the rich" rhetoric has divided the nation in a manner never before seen. A glimpse of the electoral map shows how divided we really are. Governor Romney captured victory in the south, and in strong conservative states such as Oklahoma, Kansas and Minnesota Indiana.  The states where traditional values such as faith, family, entrepreneurship and patriotism hold steady. Obama's remains popular in the secular bastions of the northeast and Northwest where same sex marriage, higher taxes, unfettered immigration and identity politics are par for the course. The map clearly shows that America is indeed becoming two nations with irreconcilable differences. The cultural divides are the most troubling. The Democrats have successfu...

Obama's Fall Gal's

It was confirmed yesterday that Secretary Of State Hilary Clinton will be Stepping down next year. It has been a very tumultuous year for Mrs. Clinton. There was the Arab spring,Syria, and the Benghazi Libya terrorist attacks that left four Americans dead for which she held herself personally responsible. Many saw this mea culpa as her falling on her sword for President Obama. For Susan Rice, America's UN representative, it has been far worse in a more devastating way. She was trotted out to five Sunday talk shows to spin the Benghazi attack as a "spontaneous reaction" to the widely publicized anti- Islamic video circulating on you tube. Evidence would later emerge that would render those claims dubious at best. The emails and timeline exposed by the state Department and the intelligence services would later show that the attack was likely to have been an coordinated attack by an Al qaida affiliate in Libya. Ms. Rice for a...

Obama Escapes With Second Term

 President Barack Obama was elected Tuesday by over 2 million votes over Republican challenger Mitt Romney. Obama secured his re-election with decisive victories in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Iowa and Michigan. The President was also able to emerge victorious in the bellwether State of Ohio by just 51,000 votes. The pundits are of course writing the GOP's obituary and projecting a long absence from the White House. The Democrats also pick up two Senate seats. The calls for Republicans soul searching and re-branding have already begun. One of the clearest differences between the two sides is the left's mastery of pandering politics. The Democrats have made a very good living off of what talk show Dennis Prager has termed the liberal trinity: race, gender, class. They continuously pat themselves on the back for the 'diversity' in their ranks-I call it exploitation. Each election cycle, blacks and other minority groups are trotted out and manipulated  into...

Bill Gates, Al Sharpton and Trickle Down Economics

One of the countless annoying things about MSNBC is the self righteous promotional spots featuring diatribes from several of their commentators. Al Sharpton's is particularly confounding. His rant is a critique of "trickle down economics". A pejorative for supply side economics pioneered by the Ronald Reagan administration. Supply side economics involves the reduction of top marginal tax rates and reduced regulation in order to boost economic activity. Reagan's policies created the second biggest peacetime recovery in US history with a net jobs increase of over 21 million. Reagan was able to bring down the unemployment rate to 5.4% from a high of 10.8% during the recession of 1982. Many companies benefited from the Reagan era boom and were able to take advantage of our vibrant capital markets. One such company was started by a geeky Harvard dropout named Bill Gates which went public in 1986 creating 12,000 millionaires along the way. Microsoft as we ...

The President Fails On American Values

What was most striking to me after watching Mitt Romney's beat down of President Obama in Denver last week was when moderator Jim Lehrer ask both candidates to explain the role of government. One would expect that our President, the widely acclaimed constitutional law scholar would surely shine in that moment. He would easily recall one of the countless lectures he gave to his students at the University of Chicago and outline the principles of the constitution which clearly define the limits of government power. If you were expecting that, like me you are still waiting. The president gave a not so shockingly socialist response: " the federal government has the capacity to help open up opportunity and create ladders of opportunity and to create frameworks where the American people can succeed.."   translation : government programs . The president then went on to talk about hiring more teachers and how the government has built infrastructure projects in the past....

Clinton's Rose Colored Glasses

Former President Bill Clinton was back in the game last night doing what he does best. "Slick Willie" used his very formidable political skills to wow the raucous crowd at the Democratic National Commission.  In a very entertaining nearly hour long speech, Clinton attempted to make the case for a second President Obama term. Although Clinton's speech was very effective he- like all politicians do-engaged in a bit of revisionist history by carefully omitting his stumbles during his two term presidency. Clinton stated that "in the last 29 months, our economy has produced about 4 1/2 million private sector jobs".  This figure has been debunked by CNN among other fact checking websites. This blogger was particularly disturbed at this gem: "They want to get rid of those pesky financial regulations designed to prevent another crash and prohibit future bailouts". I wish that our doggedly determined media would remind the Former President that those preventat...

Romney Clinches Nomination

After a circus like atmosphere over the past several months, Governor Mitt Romney has clinched the Republican nomination. I admit that I tuned out the selection process while distractions like Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich we inexplicably hanging around. I am now tuning back in to see if Governor Romney can unite the Republican base and defeat President Obama in November-let us pray. Romney has a few challenges such his Morman religion and his perceived moderate conservatism. Although the base-including this blogger-aren't exactly dancing on our living room tables about Mitt, I have complete confidence that the Governor can effectively move the country away from the class war, welfare mentality that have taken hold. President Obama has his own challenges, not least of which is his record. He most certainly will not be able to recreate the religious like adulation he generated during the '08 campaign. There are many independent voters who suffer buyers remorse and have turne...