
Showing posts from 2010

Throwing The Book At Sarah Palin

It has been two years since the 2008 Presidential campaign has ended and a pressing question has finally been answered: What does Sarah Palin read? The question was asked of Palin by Katie Couric during the 08' campaign with John McCain. Palin admittedly didn't handle the question well and later confessed that she was "annoyed and insulted" by it. Barbara Walters dug up the infamous question again during a recent interview with Palin. What's more astonishing is the amount of reaction her response has generated-mainly from the left of course. Palin said she reads Chronicles of Narnia author C.S. Lewis for "inspiration".Joy Behar, that great political thinker from ABC's The View who mocks Palin relentlessly quipped "aren't those children's books"? Striking a similarly sarcastic tone was MSNBC commentator Richard Wolffe. While appearing on Chris Matthews show Harball dismissed Lewis as someone who "wrote a series of Children...

The Late Great European Union?

The American Lefts role model is crumbling right before our eyes. The world watched as protesters to the streets earlier this year in Greece after massive budget cuts which were implemented to deal with its massive debt crisis. Now the contagion has spread to other members of the EU. The Irish governments budget cuts precipitated by its recent bailout of has also sent protesters into the streets in Dublin. Riots have also taken place in the UK, Italy and Spain over budget cuts with fears that Portugal could be next. The 16 member EU nations instituted the Euro as the common currency over a decade ago and the results have been mixed at best. German is the only member nation that has produced positive economic growth-due to its large trade surplus and less spending. The left in America has longed felt that we should be more like Europe with it's highly taxed welfare state. The economic incongruity is clear: The only way to pay for a welfare state is to tax the wealth of the producti...

Yes We Cave! Obama Submits On Taxes

President Obama much to the ire of his own party reached a compromise on the so called Bush Tax Cuts of 2001 and 2003. The deal will keeps the exisitng tax rates in place for all tax payers including the those earning over $250,000 or the often repeated Tax cuts for the rich-representing a huge reversal for the president. In return the President received an exstention of the jobless benefits, a payroll tax reduction and protection from the alternative minimum tax for middle class families. The Republicans gained a victory by keeping the estate tax rate fixed at 35% for two years as well as keeping the existing cuts place for all taxpayers. If the tax cuts were allowed to expire, it would revert back to 55%. The far left wing of the Democratic party has become completely unhinged at this deal. Insisting that the president should have stuck to his guns and forced to the Republicans to to fight for the cuts. Democratic Congressman John Conyers of Michigan to Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa have ...

Quantitative Uneasiness

The Federal Reserve last week implemented a new round of stimulus by pumping billions of dollars into the U.S. economy has further eroded the Obama administration's popularity around the world. The Fed will purchase $600 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds-in an attempt to hold down long term interest rates and jump start the economy- a measure known as Quantitative easing . President Obama defended the move while on a 10 day Asian trip. "The Fed's mandate, my mandate is, to grow our economy. And that's not just good for the US but the world as a whole". The backlash from an increasingly jaded international community is growing. During this weeks G2o summit in S. Korea, US Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner has lectured other nations to reign in their trade imbalances-which hurts US exports. Germany, which relies heavily on exports has been vocal in its criticism of Washington. "It doesn't add up when the Americans accuse the Chinese of currency manipulation...

Voters Tea Off On Democrats

After a much celebrated takeover of Washington in 2008, the Democrats managed to fumble away control of the House in just two years. The Republicans, with the help of the Tea party took the Democrats to the proverbial woodshed and captured at least 60 seats to take over the House of Representatives in its most sweeping victory since 1938. The Republicans picked up several senate seats as well as 10 Governors races including Pennsylvania, Ohio ,New Mexico and S. Carolina. The Tea party which has been characterized as racist by members of the media and the NAACP also helped to usher in several minority candidates-most from southern states. Black Tea partiers Alan West of Florida, Rick Scott of S. Carolina, Nikki Haley, of east Indian decent, secured the governorship of South Carolina, and Susana Martinez of New Mexico. Given the fact that blacks themselves do not elect black conservatives, this is empirical evidence of who the real racist are. President Obama was noticeably subdued duri...

Dude, That's The President!

Presidents Obama's desperation to save his presidency has been clearly evident over the past few weeks. He has appeared on every network show except Rachel Ray in attempts to galvanize his base. His latest appearance was on the Daily Show with John Stewart. To his credit Stewart was tough on the President, and frequently injected his trademark wit when the opportunity presented itself-the President gave him perfect setups. One of the more awkward moments came when the President used described former economic advisor Lawrence Summers as doing a "heck of a job" Stewart quipped " You don't not want to use that phrase dude". This of one of many instances where Obama hasn't looked presidential. In addition to his bowing before world leaders, being referred to as "Dude" certainly is not becoming of the leader of the free world. The truth is President Obama has diminished the office of in his attempts to appeal to certain groups. Some of these Appea...

NAACP Racism Smear On Schedule

As expected during an election cycle, the flames of racism have been stoked by the left. The NAACP has a perfect straw man with the rise of the Tea party movement. Its overwhelmingly white participants and "take our country back" slogans are a perfect set-up for racism claims. As this blogger has pointed out, the lack of blacks in the Tea party says more about blacks and the grotesquely monolithic thinking of blacks than it does the Tea Party. To grant its charge of racism an heir of credibility, the NAACP has issued a 94 page report which details alleges Tea party ties to racist and anti-Semites. One would have to suspend common sense to deny that this is nothing more than a pre-election smear campaign intended to get blacks to the polls. Ironically, the biggest manipulators of blacks are black left wing organizations like the NAACP. Its almost customary for charges of racism to emerge before an election to galvanize black voters-the Democratic party's best friends. The ...

PC Police Claim Another Victim: Juan Williams Fired

The left continues to eat its own as NPR commentator and long time Foxnews contributor Juan Williams was fired for what were considered anti-Muslim comments. During an appearance on the Bill O'reilly show, Williams stated that when he sees someone wearing Muslim garb getting on an airplane he gets nervous. Williams and O'reilly were discussing Bill's recent controversial sparring match on the view and American sentiment towards Muslims when he said: I mean, look, Bill, I'm not a bigot. You know the kind of books I've written about the civil rights movement in this country," Williams said Monday."But when I get on a plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they're identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous." Williams was then notified by his supervisor that he had been terminated. CEO Vivian Schiller stood by the networks decision that Williams was fired because ...

Foxnews Hysteria Debunked

Whenever the Obama administration wants to distract us from the train wreck that is their administration, they start the war on Foxnews and talk radio host. Fox is the only network that is called out by name for alleged bias by the administration which not so curiously fails to mention the resident loon at MSNBC Keith Olberman for his vitriol laced tirades. The mainstream media had a monopoly up until a decade ago when Fox burst onto the scene and upset the leftwing applecart. The fact is,Foxnews isn't anymore right leaning than the other networks like CNN are left leaning. If you compare them, the differences between the networks is clear. MSNBC, CNN have virtually no debate. Fox's "fair and balanced approach" of pitting the left/right points of view against one another and letting viewer decide has been a ratings bonanza. Foxnews has far more regular liberal contributors to its discussions than the others combined. Ellis Henican. Bob Beckle, Alan Colmes,Kiersten Pow...

The Winds Of Change Blowing The Other Way

The hope and change express has appeared to have run out of gas. The Democratic control of congress will apparently be short lived as the Republicans stand poised to send the dems back to rear of the political bus where they belong. Thanks to a combination of Tea party activism, and brain dead economic policies by the Obama administration, America seems as though they will send a clear message to the dems: keep the change! In spite of the attempts to bring out a full deck of race cards, which includes branding the Tea party racist, the liberal agenda appears to be crashing and burning. If you want to truly get a sense of their desperation, just tune in to black radio on any given day. The democrats playbook always includes stoking the emotions of its largest voting block: Blacks who vote overwhelming Democrat-roughly 80%. The Dems are counting on the planets to line up again just as they did in 08' when president Obama was elected. Even if blacks turn out in record numbers, it won...

Oil On The Brain-less

The overwhelming belief amongst leftist and/or conspiracy theorist is that the US (George Bush and Dick Cheney) invaded Iraq for oil. I could write a pamphlet on why this is a ridiculous notion. For its perception as oil hungry, the US is the only western country that does not buy Iranian or Sudanese oil. For over twenty years America boycotted Libyan oil. If it were oil that the US wanted in Iraq, there was a much simpler way to get it: We could have bought it! Recent reports have highlighted the fact that after the smoke has cleared, the Chinese have emerged as the largest investors in Iraqi oilfields. Since 2008, The Iraqi National Oil Co. has signed 11 deals with International investors, 4 of them have been with the Chinese. China, not America was actually the first country to win an oil contract in the post Saddam era. American oil firms have largely stood on the sidelines due to the high royalties and tough terms required by the Iraqis. Along with the Chinese, India, Vietnam, Ind...

Blacks And The Tea Party

The last several weeks have been particularly painful as I listened to the left wing media and the civil rights mafia turn their racism fire hoses on the Tea parties. There is a foolish notion that the absence or presence of blacks or de-legitimizes or legitimizes a movement. As the case with many issues, fundamental ignorance is at the core of this belief. The Tea party is an anti-big government movement It is against government expansion and the increase in government power. Blacks believe in big government and work everyday through the democratic party to bring it about. Blacks turning out to protest big government is kin to a pimp protesting prostitution. You won't see it. The disgusting lack of political diversity amongst blacks makes us the most uninformed, dis informed and misinformed people in the country. 90% percent of us know nothing else except to go in the voting booth and pull the lever a Democrats-hoping that we will get something in return. Haven't liberal poli...

Keep The Change

It has been over a year and a half since the "messiah" was elected to wash away America's sins, save the planet and restore American prosperity. The almost religious chants of hope and change are all but forgotten as many of his own supporters have jumped off the bandwagon. The forced health care bill, and overbearing bureaucracy that is otherwise known as the Financial Reform bill. The mini trade wars with Mexico and China,the stalled trade agreements with Columbia and Panama add to his woes. His mistreatment of longtime allies Israel and Poland have made him unpopular in those countries. The president has also lost his luster in the UK due to his slamming of BP as British Petroleum. The only thing that will insure his return to Chicago in 2012 is to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire and you'll have a Jimmy Carter Redux. For those who think that Obama is of a vastly different political mind than George W. Bush, I have sobering news for you: The foreign policy appa...

BP Crisis Brings Out Radical Left

Once again the left, with the help of Jesse Jackson shows its ignorance of and hatred for capitalism. The BP crisis which began with the explosion of an offshore oil rig which resulted in a fire that killed 19 people. The pipe located one mile undersea began to spew oil into the gulf and has for over fifty days now. The Reverend has been for weeks calling for a boycott of BP. Now comes word that several BP stations have been vandalized. The fact that such vitriol and anger results from what was clearly a tragic accident is surely tragic in itself. Someone should explain to the reverend that oil companies exited the gas station business years ago. The stations are by and large owned by franchisees and independent operators who squeeze out razor thin margins on gasoline-hence the reason for the lottery tickets, potato chips and soft drinks that has become a staple of these often family owned businesses. To make matters worse, the Rev. Jackson stated that "the mom and pop stations a...

Blacks Only Field Trip Revealing

A Michigan elementary school Principal took group of 5th grade students on a field trip to hear a speech by an African American rocket scientist. The only problem: he only took the black students. This incident for this blogger has much larger revelations other than the obvious. This Principal is the prototypical example of the dangers of a left wing education. A huge problem among blacks specifically is their ability to practice discrimination and segregation while simultaneously preaching "equality" and "inclusion". Dicken Elementary School Mike Madison took a group on black students, part of a group known as the African American Lunch Bunch to hear a black rocket scientist speak. The fact that there is such a group at a such a racially diverse school is troubling. Needless to say, the outrage would be manic if a white organization existed and engaged in the same exclusion of black students. In the black left wing mind, discrimination and racism are acceptable ...

For Greece, Panic Is The Word

A little over a year ago, I was having a discussion with some liberal friends about various issues. At that time, the US dollar was being battered in the global market and was at an all-time low against the Euro. What a difference a year makes. Thanks to European debt crisis and its epicenter Greece, the Euro is headed very fast in the other direction. The euro, fell Friday below $1.24, an 18-month low against the greenback.The European Union is facing a massive sovereign debt crisis precipitated by Greece, whose welfare state spending is finally breaking. The Greek sovereign debt rating was recently downgraded by Moody's and will quite possibly face a second downgrade. The EU in cooperation with the International Monetary Fund unveiled a temporary lifeline with a $1 trillion rescue package which may just be a short term fix. Greece is still saddled with a crippling business climate, slow economic growth and huge entitlement spending. The sad reality is that Greece is just the sque...

Duel In The Desert

The revolution is being televised! The new Mexican Illegal immigrant revolution that is. Turn on any of the major networks and you'll see for yourself. Tens of thousands of mostly illegal immigrants rioting, breaking windows and throwing bottles at police. The reason for the outrage? Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed a controversial immigration bill which makes it a state crime to lack immigration papers and requires police to determine whether people are in the country legally. The bill has sparked a firestorm of controversy including violent street protest and calls for boycotts. Arizona has been under siege for quite sometime. A large infiltration of illegal immigrants and drugs has made the state the kidnapping capital of the US. The federal governments foot dragging has forced the State to take matters into its own hands. Curiously enough, president Obama has asked for an investigation into the constitutionality of the bill. What makes his inquiry ridiculous is that not on...

Goldman Sachs: The New Halliburton

The indictment of Investment firm Goldman Sachs on fraud charges by the Justice Department has made them the official corporate pinata of the anti capitalist left in America. Several years ago it was Enron who was later supplanted by oil services giant Halliburton-which had the misfortune of being tied to the then VP Dick Cheney. In 2009, AIG carried became the poster child for evil corporate greed thanks to the housing meltdown which brought on the financial crisis. Goldman Sachs assumed this unenviable position due to the enormous profits it made as a result of the TARP money it was all but forced to take during the bank bailout. Some have argued that the timing of the indictment is highly suspicious given the Obama administration's desire to pass the financial reform bill. One thing if for certain, the government usually passes new laws when they have failed to enforce the ones already on the books- as was the case in the Bernie Madoff affair. Some in the banking industry, such...

The Big Money Grab

The American people are under siege. Not from Al qaeda or the Mexican drug cartels, we are being extorted by our governments; federal, state and local. The budget crisis facing states and cities across the country is well known but the solutions being crafted by local politicians would make La Cosa Nostra jealous. The mobsters in this scenario are the local politicians who send the police forces out to shake down motorist in any way they can. Drive through a local suburb and you're likely to be pulled over for the most mundane excuse and slapped with a $100 fine or more. Cities have always exercised their right to utilize their "de facto" taxing power in writing traffic tickets when strapped for cash however this practice is spiraling out of control. Everything from car repairs and dry cleaning to personal training and party clowns are being targeted for new taxes. However, the shaking down of unsuspecting motorist and shoppers by police is outrageous. One of the main re...

Steele Takes Heat

Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele's reign got off to a rocky start and it has remained so. His first gaff was his dismissal of Rush Limbaugh as an "entertainer" and his tenure has been littered with controversy ever since. The first mistake was made by the party in appointing someone so ambitious to the post- in Steele a former Lt Governor who ran unsuccessfully for the senate in 2006. Steele chased the media spotlight from the beginning with his "I'm the new sheriff in town" swagger. Steele received harsh criticism for charging $20,000 for speeches-which is unprecedented for the RNC chairman. The latest controversy is far more embarrassing and has some calling for Steele's resignation. Steele has taken heat recently after the committee paid a nearly $2,000 bill at a sex-themed nightclub in Los Angeles. The RNC fired a staffer it blamed for the outing when the bill was presented for reimbursement by a donor. Steele failed to underst...

Liberal Memory Lapse

I did something that usually brings on a great deal of nausea after I've done it- I watched an episode of Hardball with Chris Matthews. The level of none sense that spews from Matthews is endless so I won't go into his history. However, the comments I heard were in sane even for him. Speaking about Rush Limbaugh's reference to the Obama administration as a "regime". Matthews shocking said that "he had never heard language like this before in America". Apparently Matthews hasn't watched his own show or his network for that matter. On July 7, 2004, Ralph Nader -- appearing with Matthews on "Hardball" -- discussed how he would "take apart the Bush regime." Glen Beck upon hearing Matthews comments was able to dig up at least 16 references of a " Bush Regime " by the New York Times and 24 by the Washington Post. A search of the Lexus-Nexus database yields 6,769 references to the " Bush Regime ". ran a...

I Am Legend! And You Might Be One Too

It's official! anyone who has done something in the public eye and/or of note is a "legend". There isn't much imagination among journalist to come up with another descriptive word other than legend or legendary. Legend is defined as : a story coming down from the past; especially : one popularly regarded as historical although not verifiable b : a popular myth of recent origin. I hear this word constantly ascribed to athletes and entertainers daily. Some of them are very good at what they do and have been for a long time; however to deem them "legends" simply because they have been in their respective field for a decade is hyperbolic at best. Much of this is done out of pure laziness. I guess it's too much work to spend a few seconds searching for a simpler term like veteran, pioneer or famed. Instead of calling Wayne Newton a Las Vegas veteran, its sounds more glossy to describe him as a 'Las Vegas Legend'. Maybe in this case after forty y...

Crunch Time For The Health Care Bill

I wish I could express some relief that the vote on the health care bill will be over this weekend. The vote only marks the beginning of a long battle that will have large numbers of political opponents at each others throats for years to come. In what is certainly a pivotal moment for national politics, this health care debate will have serious implications on the midterm elections in November. The Democrats are almost assured a beat down at the polls for their support for Obamacare. Their short lived "super majority" will be firmly in the rear view mirror after January 2011 which will leave President Obama naked for the remainder of his term. The president is in a very unfavorable position of being faced with failure no matter if the bill passes or not. If it passes, the backlash against him and the Democrats will be massive. The Attorney Generals of at least a half a dozen states have already promised lawsuits challenging the legislation's constitutionality. If the bi...

More Noose Nonesense

It seems that there is a severe common sense deficit in Black America, which is evidenced by our knee jerk reaction to the old hanging noose trick. Whenever some dimwit wants get the ire of black folks, he or she simply goes into their bag of gags and hangs a noose. Then, just like Pavlov's dog, The Neo- civil rights mafia comes out in force, staging protest, demanding investigations and giving these childish pranks far more attention than its worth. This reaction only paves the way for the next imbecile. The imbecile in this case is a yet to be identified University of California at San Diego female student who for unknown reasons hung a noose on a lamp in the student library. When will people figure out that the over reaction to this silly attention grabbing stunt is exactly the the end goal? To get Blacks to over react. If some Neo Nazi wannabe or frat boy for that matter wants to piss blacks off or miss class, he just pulls out his noose and watches the fireworks. Even blacks h...

The Stupid Game

More than a year ago, while participating in a panel discussion on the radio I asked the question: Can anyone name a liberal Democrat over the past twenty five years who has been labeled stupid? As the saying goes, the silence was deafening. The fact is that there isn't a single democrat that has been characterized as an idiot, buffoon or stupid-they have all been conservatives. Less one believes that this is a coincidence, then there is something rotten in mediaville . You can go back as far as Gerald Ford, who was relentlessly parodied as clumsy and bumbling by Chevy Chase and the Saturday Night Live crew at the time. Ford-who was an outstanding athlete in his day- made the mistake of falling down while coming off of Air Force one during a visit to Austria and has forever been portrayed by the comedic left as clumsy. Chase admitted in a 2008 interview that their lampooning of Ford was deliberate since he was "not their guy". The plethora of comedians who now moonlight ...

The Trouble With Black Athletes

I guess we can count on one of these stories at least once a year. A prominent black athlete gets himself into trouble because of poor judgement and irresponsibility. Last year it was New York Giants wide out Plaxico Burres who shot himself in the leg at a Manhattan Nitelub. Burress has since been sentenced to a two year prison term. In what has become the standard bearer for a superstars who fall from grace, the Michael Vick dog fighting scandal reigns supreme. The latest millionaire run amok is Washington Wizards star point guard Gilbert Arenas who has landed in hot water for pulling a gun on a teammate in the locker rocker room during a dispute over a gambling debt. "Agent Zero" as he is ironically called has been suspend by the NBA for the remainder of the season and could still face jail time. If that isn't bad enough, he runs the risk of having his $110m contract voided by the Wizards. I have always disagreed with the liberal worldview that jobs and education are t...

What Black America Can Learn From Massachusetts

The political world is abuzz with the stunning victory by Republican Scott Brown over his Democratic challenger Martha Coakley-a senate seat previously held by the late Ted Kennedy. There was no one who was more a political institution that Kennedy who served 46 years as senator of Massachusetts. The people of this staunchly liberal state decided enough was enough and elected Republican senator for the first time since 1972 and perhaps putting a death nail in Obamacare in the process. Since 1968, America's inner cities which are largely populated by blacks have not elected a Republican in decades. The left wing/liberal mindset is as ingrained in the black mind as deeply as their religion- and we know how difficult it is to change one's religion. Black America after forty years of Democratic/liberal rule which has not coincidentally produced dismal results. What are the chances that say, Chicago or Baltimore would elect a Republican mayor? Could the results be any worse than the...

How To Help Haiti

You are not human if you have not been gut wrenched by the massive earthquake in Haiti. The scenes of death and devastation are depressing. This disaster underscores the exploitation, poor leadership and corruption that has plagued Haiti over the past one hundred years. Haiti's kleptocratic regimes during the past 60 years in particular has kept the country in a perpetual state of poverty and squandered over $4 billion dollars in US and foreign aid since 1992. The failure of Haiti's leaders to implement free market economic and democratic principles has been highlighted by this tragedy. The poorly developed infrastructure, and anemic government services are the results of decades of leaders that have put their own financial interest ahead of the Haitian people. Most recently, the ineffective Jean Bertrand Aristead was driven from power by way of a rebellion in 2004 after his corruption was uncovered. Hundreds of billions of dollars will be needed just to make Haiti a semi -fun...

Time For An Intervention

Unfortunately there are two things you can count on when disaster happen: financial scams and idiotic comments. Rush is clearly suffering from Obama derangement syndrome as evidenced by his latest comments. Last week after the Haiti earthquake disaster Rush stated "I do believe that everything is political to this president," said Limbaugh on his radio show yesterday. "Everything this president sees is a political opportunity, including Haiti, and he will use it to burnish his credentials with minorities in this country and around the world, and to accuse Republicans of having no compassion." Pat Robertson once again decided to weigh in, using religious fanaticism. Stating that the earthquake was a result of Haitians who "made a pack with the devil" in exchange for getting rid of their French slave masters. Some are incapable of taking off their political hats-even when hundreds of thousands of people lay dead from a horrible tragedy. During the Bush admin...

Reid's Comments Cast Light On Light Skin

Nevada Senator Harry racially charged comments regarding then Presidential candidate Barack Obama are surprising to some but certainly not to me. During the 2008 campaign, Reid said in private remarks during the campaign that the country was ready for a "light-skinned" African-American president with "no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one." The remarks are contained in a new book, "Game Change: Obama and the Clinton's , McCain and Palin , and the Race of a Lifetime." The words that jumped out at me immediately was "light skinned". About a year ago I almost caused a riot in the barber shop when I stated that Obama would not have been elected if his complexion looked like that of actor Wesley Snipes. Those who are not cognizant of this are foolish. Complexion has an effect on mindset of blacks as well as whites. Shall I offer proof? Let's take walk down history. Adam Clayton Powell, the first black elected to congress from the st...

We Were Lucky....... This Time

The failed terrorist attack on the Northwest Flight 253 over Detroit has proven one thing. That in spite of billions spent on a big government bureaucracies like Homeland security, high tech baggage screening equipment and a change agent in the White House, sheer luck prevent us from having another 911. 23 year old Nigerian radical Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, attempted to detonate an explosive device hidden in his underwear-which failed. He was subdued by the passengers and crew. Abdulmutallab-who was traveling from Amsterdam-had spent time in Yemen apparently getting instruction by Al qaeda. This and other red flags were numerous. Abdulmutallab's own father had gone to US authorities to report that his son had been "radicalized". His name was also known to US intelligence and in spite of all this was given a US visa and allowed to board a plane to the US. Technology and bigger government bureaucracies are no substitutes for common sense.